Well over the last few months I've been working on little man's costume. I made the costume in September but the top didn't really fit , it was already too small for him! So I bought the child pattern and made the new shirt 2 sizes bigger than the original.
I'm super happy with how it turned out, I think its much better than one of the costumes I'd of gotten from the store (unless I spent a small fortune on one) and I'm very proud that I was able to make it myself!
I recently celebrated my 30th birthday. My wonderful husband gave me some money that I was supposed to go shopping and get some new clothes (that I've been needing) but since we just started working out again and I hope to get preggo in the next year I really wanted to wait to get new clothes when I'm down to the size I want to be. So instead of clothes shopping I got myself something I've been wanting for a while, a serger!!! I

love it. I haven't gotten to do too much with it yet, except for figure out how to thread it and I'm happy to say that its pretty easy to thread! My current project is a dress coat for my little man and I'm planning on finishing the edges off with my new toy! I will post some pictures of the finished product ASAP! I'll be working on it more today during naptime!
And I've even got the material and patterns for my next project, matching hoodies for little man and hubby!